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AiRKO Product variety

Compressors for trade, commerce and industry.

AiRKO - Product Overview

Keywords. Key data. Decision-making aids.

What you really need. What you should look out for. What brings sustainability. What guarantees your satisfaction.

Anyone who invests in compressed air is basically going in the right direction. Because there are many advantages that are really worth thinking about:

  1.  An AiRKO piston compressor serves as a basic device and drive unit for many different tools and very often opens up new fields of application that you hadn't thought of before. Without additional effort.
  2.  Air tools are lighter, easier to use and cheaper. This is because they are "pure tools" that do not need their own (electric) motor. They are particularly durable, infinitely variable and can be loaded to a standstill without being damaged.
  3.  Many jobs such as spraying paint, sandblasting or filling tires can only be carried out easily and efficiently with compressed air.

Good tools are the beginning of quality. And compressed air is often the driving force behind the exploitation of new opportunities.

Although this value is somewhat imprecise, it is often quoted as a key figure for "compressor performance" for small and piston compressors. This is understood to be the product of:

Stroke volume x speed

The amount of compressed air achieved is usually specified in liters/min.

This refers to the quantity of compressed air actually available for delivery, which is specified in l/sec, l/min or m 3 /h. However, it is crucial that this value has been determined on the basis of a valid and binding standard.
For small compressors, this is usually done according to VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagen e.V.). Here, the effective delivery volume is determined at a back pressure of between 6 or 8 bar(g), depending on the cut-out pressure.
quantity is determined.
This precise procedure is important because the delivery rate of all compressors is also different at different final pressures. Therefore, make sure that the level of the operating overpressure at which the measurement was taken is also stated for each delivery quantity. The relevant standard must also be stated.
Only correct information will protect you from unpleasant surprises and enable a reliable comparison.

Determine the effective delivery quantity (as a realistic approximation) yourself:
1. Switch off the compressor and vent the tank to 6 bar(g).
2. Switch on the compressor and stop the time it takes to fill the tank from 6 to 8 bar(g).
3. Determination of the effective delivery quantity (approximate value) according to the formula:

(tank capacity x 2 bar x 60) / stopped time

90 liter container,
36 seconds
from 6 to 8 bar(g). 90 x 2 x 60 : 36 = 300 l/min.

The compressor therefore delivers approx. 300 l/min.
Effective delivery rate at 7 bar(g).

As the delivery volume of a piston compressor is significantly higher in the lowest pressure range than at a higher back pressure, the effective delivery volume may be displayed incorrectly. You are only interested in the delivery volume in the pressure range within which the compressor switches fully automatically.
If only the delivery rate that the compressor delivers at a back pressure of 0 bar up to the cut-off pressure is specified, you should be skeptical.

We will be happy to advise you!